How Does System One Work?

The System One is the first and only truly portable hemodialysis system cleared for home hemodialysis in the United States, including solo hemodialysis during waking hours, and nocturnally while the patient and their care partner sleep. It was specifically designed for patients to use in their homes, and is small enough to allow patients to travel and bring their treatment supplies with them.

Setup Process

NxStage training teaches you what you need to know to dialyze at home, but for patients just starting to explore their options, this short video is a great walk-through.

Treatment Process

NxStage System One performs a function similar to traditional in-center hemodialysis machines. It removes blood from the body, filters it, and returns the cleaned blood back to your body.
During treatment, System One cleans your blood.
Click on an icon to learn more about each step.


A training nurse at your dialysis clinic will train you on how to perform your hemodialysis treatments. Training will also be provided to a care partner, unless the patient and physician both agree that solo home hemodialysis is appropriate.

Once training begins, you will learn how to access your blood, operate the system, monitor your vital signs, administer medication, and learn what to do in the event of a medical emergency. When treating at home, you will have access to the same resources you used during training through both your care team, your NxStage material and NxStage Customer Service and Technical Support. You will be trained using a program called NxSTEPS that includes printed and online training, as well as helpful videos. This training program will help you understand what to expect and how to effectively manage your treatments.

Care Partners

Depending on their prescription, some patients may require a care partner for home hemodialysis. The trained and qualified care partner needs to be present during treatments for support and to act in the event of a medical emergency.

It is important to note that a care partner is not a medical professional. It can be a friend, spouse, relative, neighbor or another individual who is willing to be trained on the system.

Provided that both the patient and physician agree on solo home hemodialysis, having a care partner may not be a requirement to perform treatments. Additional ancillary devices and training are required to perform solo home hemodialysis.

Read more about the role of care partners in our family and friends section.